Dr. Philip Emeagwali - "Bill Gates of Africa"


 Dr. Philip Emeagwali

Philip was born on August 23, 1954, in Akure, Nigeria whose parents are James and Agatha Emeagwali. His father being his math tutor enlightened his interest in mathematics. In 1966 Eastern Nigeria, Philip was a student at a British run Catholic elementary school. Due to the country's civil war his family relocated to a refugee camp. He worked as a cook for the Biafran army. After the war, Philip continued his education at Christ the King College in Onitsha, Nigeria. However financial hardships got in the way which led to passing a high school equivalency test. He went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics at Oregon State University on a scholarship. Then went to Howard University receiving a Master of Science degree in environmental engineering; in ocean, coastal, and marine engineering from George Washington University; and in mathematics at University of Maryland. Philip didn't stop there. He furthered his education by working toward his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan.

Philip was given access to the connection machine at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico which he accessed remotely from Ann Arbor, Michigan. He invented the fastest computer in the world computing at 3.1 billion calculations per second. Philip obtained the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers' Gordon Bell Prize in 1989. Dr. Philip Emeagwali's computer invention is used to predict when and the effects of future weather events.


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